Bolland Machine | 64 MZ

64 MZ
Moisture separator for turbo machinery

64 MZ Filter

About Moisture Separation

Inlet moisture control systems are essential for the proper operation of turbo machinery. The 64 MZ Moisture Separator is a panel type droplet separator comprised of alternate layers of flat and herringbone crimped galvanized screen, retained in a galvanized frame with bottom drain holes.


The 64 MZ Moisture Separator is available in galvanized steel, type 304 stainless steel and type 316 stainless steel.


Available to suit a wide variety of applications, the 64 MZ Moisture Separator is available in the standard industry sizes and can also be designed to accommodate your specific needs.


  • Inlet air filtration for gas turbines
  • Inlet air filtration for compressors
  • Offshore and coastal installations
  • Installations with recurrent high rainfall

Description Nominal Size Part # Weight
64MZ Moisture Separator - 316 Stainless Steel 24 x 24 x 2 358036-1 15 lbs
64MZ Moisture Separator - 304 Stainless Steel 24 x 24 x 2 358036-2 15 lbs
64MZ Moisture Separator - Galvanized Steel 24 x 24 x 2 358036-3 15 lbs

Performance Data


Frame: Galvanized steel or stainless steel with drain holes.
Media: Alternate layers of flat and herringbone crimped screen.
Installation: 64MZ Moisture Separators can be installed in Camfil Farr hat section framing, in built up bank configurations or in side access housings.

Filter Facts

The need for moisture removal to enhance and protect high efficiency turbo machinery intake air filter performance is a proven necessity.
A dry particulate filter has lower airflow resistance that a wet filter, and is therefore more economical to operate.
Onshore, urban, maritime and tropical regions along with offshore installations represent the key applications.
Camfil Farr's low velocity Moisture Separator offers traditionally high droplet efficiency as well as low wet or dry pressure drop.

64 MZ Data Sheet